11月3日托福考試Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology distances people from each other more than it brings them together. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.re
答(dá)法一:同意 “科(kē)技(jì )使人更疏遠(yuǎn)”
原因一:減少面對面交流,科(kē)技(jì )讓人們越來越傾向于通過電(diàn)子設備進行溝通,如發短信、發郵件、在社交平台留言等。這大大減少了人們面對面交流的機會,而面對面交流中(zhōng)能(néng)通過表情、語氣、肢體(tǐ)動作(zuò)等傳達更豐富的情感和信息,缺乏這種交流容易使關系變得淡薄。
原因二:産(chǎn)生虛假社交,網絡社交中(zhōng)人們可(kě)以輕易地積累大量 “好友”,但這些關系往往比較膚淺。很(hěn)多(duō)時候隻是點贊之交,缺乏真正的深度交流和相互理(lǐ)解。而且在網絡上人們可(kě)以僞裝(zhuāng)自己,使得社交缺乏真實性。
表達關鍵詞:incline to do something, face to face, facial expression, superficial, false socializing, acquaintance, disguise
答(dá)法二:不同意 “科(kē)技(jì )使人更疏遠(yuǎn)”
原因一:打破時空限制,科(kē)技(jì )使得人們無論相隔多(duō)遠(yuǎn)都能(néng)即時溝通,比如視頻通話可(kě)以讓身處不同國(guó)家的家人、朋友仿佛就在眼前交流。這打破了時空的限制,極大地增強了人們之間的聯系。
原因二:促進知識共享與合作(zuò),通過在線(xiàn)平台、專業軟件等科(kē)技(jì )手段,不同地區(qū)的人們可(kě)以共同參與項目、交流專業知識。這不僅促進了工(gōng)作(zuò)和學(xué)習上的合作(zuò),也讓人們在交流中(zhōng)增進了解和友誼。表達關鍵詞:break limitation, as if, bring together, facilitate, collaboration, platform, conduct
Let's discuss the role that being on a sports team plays in a child's development. Many argue that playing a team sport, such as basketball, football or baseball, is an important experience that all children can benefit from in different ways. Conversely, others feel that the focus on team sports for children does more harm than good. What do you think? ls participation in team sports important for a child's development? Why or why not?
KellyOf course, children should participate in team sports. Not everyone is a great student. For many children, team sports are a chance to excel and build their confidence. They can recognize the importance of working hard to accomplish a goal, and this can transfer to other aspects of their lives.
ClaireI don't think participating in team sports is always a good thing. One reason is the bad behavior of parents during their children's competitions. Too many parents get overly invested and want to win more than their children do. To that end, they will argue with sports officials and referees and set a bad example for their children.
participation in team sports is important for a child's development
當孩子參與團隊運動中(zhōng) -> 有(yǒu)機會認識更多(duō)同齡人 -> 在合作(zuò)時避免不了和其它成員溝通與相處 -> 提升社交能(néng)力
eg. 此處例子可(kě)參考以下角度進行故事的拓展:内向、獨來獨往,加入某運動隊後,總是一起結伴、娛樂。
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