Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. Others believe that the university should feature a variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why, using details and examples in your response
*是否應該邀請有(yǒu)controversial opinions的人來大學(xué)做講座
*本題重複2022.12.7, 2023.3.18,2023.5.6,2023.11.28, 2024.9.4線(xiàn)下原題
回答(dá)關鍵詞:to promote critical thinking; to inspire students to think about the problem from multiple perspectives.
回答(dá)關鍵詞:to increase diversity of topics: Campus lectures should reflect the diversity of society, including various voices and opinions; inclusive individuals;
例如,如果一個演講者對疫苗持有(yǒu)強烈的反對意見,而沒有(yǒu)科(kē)學(xué)依據支持其觀點,這可(kě)能(néng)會誤導聽衆 。
回答(dá)關鍵詞:to avoid misleading information; People with controversial views give lectures can spread misleading information; the ability to distinguish between true and false;
回答(dá)關鍵詞:to maintain the harmony of academic environment; unnecessary conflict and tension;
Doctor Achebe: Let's explore the dynamics of social interactions and their impact on our well-being. Socializing in smaller groups versus larger circles can have varying effects on one's health and happiness. Some argue that smaller groups foster deeper connections, allowing for more meaningful interactions and a sense of closeness. Conversely, larger friend circles offer diversity and exposure to different perspectives. Which do you think contributes more to a person's health and happiness: spending time with a close-knit few or a larger group of friends?
Andrew: Developing strong bonds with a few close friends fosters deeper connections and enhances emotional support. These intimate relationships often lead to increased trust and understanding, allowing for genuine empathy and shared experiences. Small friend groups offer a sense of security and authenticity in interactions, promoting mental well-being.
Claire: Having a wide circle of friends offers diverse perspectives and experiences, enriching one's social life. Numerous friendships provide a 28 larger support network, creating opportunities for various activities and interests. Engaging with a larger group cultivates adaptability, social skills, and exposure to different cultures or ideas, contributing to personal growth.
小(xiǎo)範圍内交友 → 大家互相之間交流沒有(yǒu)壓力 → 更有(yǒu)可(kě)能(néng)一起成長(cháng)/共享價值觀 → 彼此能(néng)夠理(lǐ)解和互相尊重,甚至是互相維護彼此 → 更能(néng)保持自己的個性,做自己 → 這樣更能(néng)帶來快樂和幸福。
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